Friday, 31 January 2014

Craft de hearts handmade jewelry

Hi all,

If you all familiar with me, u will surely know that I am a handmade jewelry lover :) Recently, I was approach by Juliet ,one of the founder of craft de hearts handmade jewelry to write a blogpost regarding to their services :)

U may ask what is craftdehearts ?  Browsing their Facebook ( which started at august 2013) ,they are positioning themselves as a  one-stop accessories and gift with everything 's handmade shop which based in Malaysia,Johor Bahru, and Singapore. 一站式的手工首饰,精品商店。

Their Service covered :
- Customizations Accessories 量身订做各种首饰
- Charms Accessories and beaded Accessories
- Handphone Cover design 手机封套
- Paper Craft
- Wedding Events : Door gift/Brides Maid bracelets/PhotoFrame(Papercraft)/Tags 相框,伴娘手链
- Hair Accessories 发饰
- Swarovski Beaded Accessories 施洛奇特水晶串珠首饰
- Wholesale Service
- Distributions (T&C kindly email us at )
Despite their location, they ship worldwide〜

Wow seems awesome, isn't it.

Craft de hearts team is consist of a gang of crafters aka friends which love creative idea, design and having the same enthusiasm on handmade and dream. :) 

Juliet and Serissa in charge of designing vintage, silver,stainless steel, etc accessories ( from head to toe ), Phoebe is a Qing dynasty drama lover therefore her designing hairpin is mixing the classic element :) ,  Elyn mainly In charge of swarovski beaded accesorry. Annie mainly in charge of designing,crafting  the theme photo frame , greeting cards eg: friendship, baby,wedding,couple. 
Sophia, is in charge of the handmade hand phone cover, from design, chosen the material, put on the bead/diamond etc .In hokkien/teochew dialect, we say 'baokaliao' (≧∇≦)Haha I really can't think of another word to describe it XD

So u gotta convince that craftdehearts is a shop which  capable of provide the excellent handmade customised service from head to toe for you , so far, they don't charge the customised fee :)

In order to test out their handcraft skill, I asking for a customize service from Juliet :)

1) Purity bless bracelet 

I told Juliet that,  I like the purity bless bracelet design from craft de hearts website, however i feel pink pearl may suit me too since I am a fair skin lady :p

Tada, this is my customized order . Juliet chosen the sharp red match with the deeper pink fraux pearl . Elegant and feminine. Suitable for dinner occasion . Love it ~  Y(^_^)Y

       The handcraft skill is good, so far I doesn't find any minor mistake :p I think it give credit to their QC, they will inspect all the item before sending out to customer :)

  Fraux pearl bracelet is beautiful , but must be careful from being scratch.

2) Pandora inspire bracelet

Hmm , this is the bracelet I won from mode Malaysia (Facebook) , and the crafter coincidentally is craftdehearts too :p  It suit for my daily occasion :)

Sparkling crystal pave , pewter silver make this bracelet beautiful. Be caution, while open the bracelet lock,the charm may drop if you doesn't handle with care. XD . 
Do not wet with water, liquids,perfume or chemical , since chain will tarnish and oxidize :) and make sure to keep your accesory in a moist free area. If done all the step, your accessory surely can enjoy a longer life :p

Craftdehearts provide free refix as an after sales service, just email .However the courier fee need to be bear by buyer  :)

Valentine  is coming soon I am really drolling over their special item for valentine (☆_☆)

     Item : Forever Valentine
     Price : RM 71.00 / SGD 35.50 / USD 28.50
Bead: Swarovski crystal AB & Swarovski creamrose pearl match with a stainless steel love charm and magnetic claps.
                                                O.o madly in love with this ~

     Item name: Infinity spark  (swarovski bicon 4mm, 18cm necklace,available in any colour)           

                                                Item name: 甜蜜之旅 
                            Price : RM 42.00 / SGD 21.00 / USD 17.50

                                                  Item name : 鸟语 

                                    Price : RM 45.00 / SGD 22.50 / USD 18.80

    Item name: love blossom 花季恋情 

Price : RM 33.00 / SGD 16.50 / USD 13.80
Phoebe says she will bring in more variety hairpin which combine the classic and trendy ~

Phoebe classic hairpin really look nice on the model ~love this (^O^)

Item name: Victorian ruby 

Price: RM 66.00 / SGD 33.00 / USD 27.50
Elyn 's Swarovski crystal 串珠 bracelet quality extremely good and sparkling, personally love its black and white combination , suit for all occasion ( ever saw it in real, really impressive ^_^ ) 

Item name: Forever love 

Price : RM 85.90 / SGD 42.90 / USD 35.80
Special valentine theme photo frame, Annie says her photo frame can be hang on the wall or as a desktop photo frame .and more personalized photo album is coming soon :)

                                Price : RM 18.00 / SGD 9.00 / USD 7.50

               Addictive to its potion key charm ~abit like the Alice wonderland 's potion :p

Item : Shine Like Diamond ( Black / Blue)
Only Available for
Iphone model: 4 / 4s , 5 /5s.
Samsung model: S3 ,S4 .
Price : RM 100.00 / SGD 50.00 / USD 41.70
Not consider valentine theme :)  but the design look so nice,  Love it.

if you tempted to customized a vintage accessory for your love one for this double valentine , can browsing craftdehearts website catalogue, variety charm is available from RM2-5 each . Personally,love the lollipop one hehe

This is the on going craft de hearts promotion for the up-coming double valentines special, just purchase one of the valentines special label on the picture item and mix with other item are entitle to enjoy the benefits of the discount price ♡  

After read my post ,if u wish to find out more about craftdehearts handmade accessories , can visit/follow

Lol I feel it kinda drag and long blogpost indeed, but its ok la since I love all those handmade item too haha, I need to start telling myself dun buy too much ,omg , craftdehearts handmade jewelry is tempted me XD

I do produce a short video dedicated to craftdehearts team, u all can feel free and take a look ,feeling fun when created it :p

Video link:

As usual, thanks for your reading :) have a nice day ahead~

          All about J.B ,K.L event, cutestuff, beauty,fashion, food, lifestyle ~

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Happy Chinese New Year 2014

Dear all ~ 

It's Chinese new year eve :)  happy prosperous year 2014 :p 
These few day I am doing my Chinese blog. Got time do support my Chinese blog , I just finish a blogpost regarding Chinese New Year drawing art  ~

See ya ~gong xi fa chai :p

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Review: Food republique, Taman pelangi @Johor Bahru (closed nov15)

嗨 大家好〜

今天为您介绍的是西餐美食哦。住在新山彩虹花园那一带的朋友想必对food republique 不会感到陌生。:D food republique  座落的地点相当靠近新山 leisure mall , 它跟 shogun 日本buffet 是在同一排店面〜

相隔一年左右没来了,惊喜的注意到 Trip Advisor 的贴纸出现在 food republique 的大门口。应该是以前来的时间太夜没注意到 ^_^
据我所知,要拿到这个贴纸是有一定的要求的 ,会让食客们对有trip advisor 贴纸的店面更有信心〜有兴趣知道什么是trip advisor的朋友,可以点击 

看到这个巨大的汉堡招牌,还写着全城最佳,您应该猜想得到,food republique 的主打是西餐汉堡吧(^O^)

                    老板 Ben 也曾被英文报章new straits time 特别点名介绍过呐~

一进门映入眼帘的是精致的圣诞装饰,怀旧的电影海报以及让人倍觉舒适的座位,昏黄的灯光营造出罗曼蒂克及温馨气氛。真的有 进入T.G.I.Friday 西餐厅静谧版的感觉。周日 无论是好友聚餐或吃情人套餐都是上上之选。若你周末来说不定又是另一番景象了 =p

看我和carinn 演绎好友聚餐版〜 say cheese :p 小图中黑衣男子就是老板Ben,而我手上的礼物纯属圣诞装饰 (T ^ T) ,真希望里面有礼物呢~

Ben 首先为我们介绍的是

1)Texas honey glaze sauce (off menu ) 

这个全素的酱料是老板 Ben 自创的。启发灵感来自 texas,Mexico。这个酱料将会扮演的角色是今天桌上各式佳肴的佐料。特别之处在于味道会随着放入的对象不同而产生不同的口感噢。简单来说,放在肉类以及海鲜都会带来不同的味道。我勺了一点来试试,酱料本身不会太咸,也不会太浓稠。感觉象带有酸甜的黑酱油。但成分又不含黑酱油才是它吊詭之处。(☆_☆)  酸甜的味道则归功于黄梨~
虽然没有在餐单里,但你可以向waiter 要求此酱料噢 ^_^

2) Tortilla Nachos with Salsa (off menu )

这份 Texas,Mexico 零嘴不在餐单里头,但可以向waiter 特别要求。新鲜现炸的 corn 零嘴配上带有番茄柠檬汁的佐料。光是听Ben 介绍,以及看它的卖相已经足够让我食指大动了. 绝对是一道让你在闲暇时解解馋的小吃。Y(^_^)Y

3)fried polento (Rm8.90)

据 ben 引述,这以前是意大利穷人的平民小吃,但现在却今非昔比,马来西亚很少有人售卖,因为制作它的corn flour 一公斤赫然要好几十元,$_$ 。这道小吃的表皮口感松脆,个人觉得里面的馅料松松软软的象马铃薯泥。也是另一道开胃小吃〜

4) 意大利前菜

Italian Bruschetta appetizer (RM6.90)


5)Salmon Ala' Carbonara Pasta  (Rm28.90)

本身偏爱重口味的pasta,因此这道以芝士为基底的三文鱼意大利面就像是为我而设的。卖相极好,上面铺满了我爱吃的三文鱼,在尝第一口时已经给我带来惊喜~~ 味道属于咸香。。由这几道菜色可以看出 Ben 的确对Texas Mexico 的食物情有独钟,而且食材都很新鲜厚实,不会偷工减料〜他个人非常喜欢看到食客们吃了心满意足的样子,而他们的快乐也感染了他,让他感到由衷的开心〜。

6)Smoke grill chicken burger  (Rm20.90 )

Tada ~史上最强的"邪恶汉堡"aka evil burger 登场〜,刚看到它的时候是一个卖相正常的鸡肉汉堡,基于不喜欢死板拍摄美食,所以请求部落客乐乐将它的汉堡盖掀开来,不开则已一开惊人, 请看它的芝士赫然能拉得那么高。(☆_☆) 老板果然下足料没有欺瞒我们这些饕餮 (^○^) ,汉堡吃在嘴里略咸但开胃,相信会是重口味者的心头爱。而玉蜀黍也出奇的鲜甜爽口,引起在座女士一致好评,也让我忍不住问明来处。老板居然回答说是后院摘的 (≧∇≦)而值得一提的是,food republique 的汉堡皮也是特地从吉隆坡引进的。

7) Texas glazed ribeye (Rm55.90 )

牛肉若沾上Texas honey glaze sauce 感觉酸酸的,询问了Ben 因为肉类属 acid 类,所以才会有酸味。牛肉宜切小片才能享有最佳的口感~

8)Texas honey glaze burger  RM24.90(Kim recommended

第一口咬下去就让我怔住,这什么汉堡这么那么好吃啊。原来第一层是熏肉bacon,第二夹层则是烤七分熟的厚牛肉。熏肉,松软的牛肉配上汉堡皮咬下去的口感一级棒〜! 而城中最勤劳的博客之一 tony Johor kaki 在我吃的津津有味时,正拿着汉堡拍摄 (*^_^*)

9)Texas glazed salmon (RM 52.90 ) (Kim recommended )

大爱推荐这道菜,Ben 将三文鱼烹调的相当好。口感软度适中.绝对是三文鱼爱好者的最爱〜而烤虾则辣味蛮重的。为了试出Texas honey glaze sauce 在海鲜上带来的口感,Ben 重新烤了一串少辣味的烤虾。而我试了这个组合予我的感觉是鲜甜可口 ,我喜欢这样的配搭〜

 10) 甜点 brownie Rm9.90 (Kim recommended )

这道甜点甫登场即成为在座小姐们的焦点,它不是属于 lava 流淌式的甜点,但绝对是巧克力爱好者的最爱哦。 冰冰的冰淇淋再配上浓热的巧克力brownie,一次过让你尝到冰火相融的美味。尤其配合午餐特别时段的套餐还可享有半价超值优惠.有时间我一定会在回去吃的~

11) Earl grey 茶饮

我有本事吃那么多高卡路里的食物,全赖 earl grey tea清香消腻〜


                                                  美食部落客Tony 和 我 


有兴趣想尝试 food republique 的朋友们,每天 12-3pm food republique 都有推出Rm25 套餐,附有四种选择。包括主食,汤,饮料,买甜品还有半价折扣。绝对超值〜

Note:所有价钱更新至 06.01.2014 , No pork no lard :)

赞Food republique 的面子书 以享有最新促销资讯

Food République - Johor Bahru, Malaysia - Bar & Grill | Facebook

地址-- 72, Jalan Kuning, Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru.

GPS: 1.484350,103.775015


A blog about cutestuff, beauty,fashion ,product review ,Johor Bahru,K.L event and food ~!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Summer x Craft De Hearts handmade jewelry

Hi all,

I have been thinking doing a blogpost all about summer eventhough Malaysia is consider whole year summer :p sorry been drag so long since really having flu n feeling not so well :)

Remember I told u at facebook that I went to desaru bbq recently? Haha, this is one of the spot I notice . A beach bar is open even only afternoon. :)
Kinda relax,  chitchat with fren n having some titbits we self bring here hehe :p

Hmm since i am not really like the beer , I ordered the fruit punch :) 
sip the drink, really into the summer feel, love the orange juice blend In the fruit punch , even it's quite sweet :D

I get my sun glasses from Vincci :) it cost me about RM24 after discount :p
Really like the simple design, I found evergreen design can last for years . It suit to my face too,neither too big nor too small .
I bring it to my desaru trip, and it did  help me filter some strong sun ray . However I dont think it got special uv screen since it was just a Rm24 sunglasses. XD 

 Colour sandwish keychain from craft de hearts. ( everything's handmade blog shop
One of their best seller .I love the elephant , bell and the bottle in colour sand . the quality is good :) Totally a lovely item for your BFF or valentine gift :p . 
Price: Rm18.50/S$9.30.  if you got any customized request for accessory or jewelry, can directly email them at 

Bought it at KSL shopping mall (Johor Bahru ),  MOMO boutique. Hmm according the shopkeeper, this is import from Taiwan. I love the pastel colour lollipop ^_^  , it cost me RM19.90.

Another haul from KSL haul. Unknown small stall XD,
attracted by its cute kitty design nail polish. The scent is awful lol. But the summer blue colour is quite nice.

Sweet home wear from Young hearts , citysquare Johor Bahru. I like the ribbon prints, and the comfortable cotton material. No discount since it is a new stock RM79.90. Guess I will fully utilize it since it is quite expensive n so comfortable ~ops I have disclose u my shirt size XD

Thanks for your reading :) stay tune with my another post of craftdehearts item :p
See ya ~ and have a nice day.

                  All about J.B ,K.L event, cutestuff, beauty,fashion, food, lifestyle ~