嗨〜 还记得我在面子书提过8月1日我受邀到柔佛再也土司工坊的开幕礼吗?
Hi, remember I told u that I was invited to attend the grand opening of Toastbox Johor Jaya?
不说不知,坐落于柔佛再也的土司工坊原来是东南亚最大面积的一间分店也是继KSL city 后进军新山的第二间分行。而自2005年在新加坡开了第一间土司工坊后,时尚而不失南洋怀旧的独特风味迅速席卷了新加坡,迄今在新加坡土司工坊总共开设了多达57间分店。而遍布在中国, 香 港,马来西亚,台湾, 菲 律宾,泰国的共有34间分店。0.0 wow,的确让我大开眼界。
This is the second branch of Toastbox at Johor Bahru, and I was told Toastbox is started their very first store at orchard road since year 2005 :)
I love those coffee bean, it explain what's the difference of nanyang coffee if compare with others :)
I personally feel that Toastbox in white colour ,abit like Korean coffee house too :p
This coffee toaster is very convenient. Jus 2 min. can make a cup of coffee.Homemade kaya taste good too :)
Senior Vice President Vincent Lim given the welcome speech .
其后工作人员也现场表演了 拉咖啡的功夫,精彩的演出成功吸引了在座媒体的目光,谋杀了不少镁光灯 hehe。而随着土司工坊负责人林青材加入拉啡演出,更将现场的气氛推至高潮。
The coffee Tarik show is attractive :p
柔佛再也的人民代议士 廖彩彤也是当天的开幕嘉宾,这是我第一次能近距离的一睹这位DAP 新星的风采。真人比报章上看到的更漂亮以及更有亲和力。^_^
Speech by guest of honor Liow Cai Tung
面包物语集团烘焙部(全球)总执行员 郭成华 , 嘉宾廖彩彤,土司工坊高级副总裁林青材 相见欢。
而在接着的试吃会上,我选择了 Rendang 鸡翼椰浆饭当主食。第一次将椰浆饭放入口咀嚼时的确有惊喜的感觉。软绵绵容易入口的椰浆饭让我吃了有很幸福的感觉呐〜 (^O^)
而咖喱鸡的肉质也被熬煮的相当的松软。Laksa 也别出心裁的选用"米台玛 "代替一般的黄面或米粉。我喜欢这样的配搭,搭配新颖外, "米台玛 "吃起来的的口感也不错。
而我当天最喜爱的是 冷饮--沙谷仙草奶茶,在大热天喝冰奶茶搭配沙谷仙草的确是别有一番滋味。
This nasi lemak just surprise me with the softness of rice and the tenderness of chicken :)
Laksa mee tai mak is another good choice too, I like the mee tai mak chewy feel.
Overall, curry of Toastbox is spicy with strong coconut milk taste.
My favorite drink of the day--ice milktea with sago jelly
This is one of my favorite corner ~
Take some picture before I going back :p I love this scene and the bicycle.
Before I ending my post, I would like to share a good news for u ~
Johor jaya Toastbox is doing promotion now, just spent RM5 and u entitle for 10% discount per bill.
The promotion will be ended on 31 August~
配合新分店开张,柔佛再也的土司工坊也推出特别促销回馈大众,凡消费五元即可获得10% 折扣,优惠期至8月31日。喜爱土司工坊的粉丝们万勿错过,以免向隅 〜
Noted: the photo without watermark give credit to the Toastbox :)
This post is brought to you by the toast box Malaysia and
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